Public Restroom Company
Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana United States Alabama Alaska American Samoa Arizona Arkansas Armed Forces Africa Armed Forces Pacific California North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Palau Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York Maine Marshall Islands Maryland Massachusetts
At Public Restroom Company, our mission is to be the premier designer, builder, and installer of prefabricated restrooms and related buildings for parks and outdoor public spaces. Utilizing a modular construction approach, we offer our clients architectural flexibility to add on to any building and allow for the highest level of customization with all finishes and overall design aesthetics. PRC has over 40 years in expertise when it comes to designing, building, and installing turnkey restrooms and buildings (e.g., offices, storage, pro shops, transit stations, ticket booths, kiosks, trash enclosures, multi-use buildings). Our process can help simplify your project all while delivering a superior, easy to maintain, reliable restroom that is built to last. Standing behind our promise of quality, we offer a (20) year structural warranty and (5) year warranty for parts and fixtures. PRC’s facilities are located on the West Coast, and we deliver and install anywhere within the contiguous United States. www.publicrestroomcompany.com | 888.888.2060
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