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Chambers Bay Golf Clubhouse

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Additional Info

Award Winner : WillScot Mobile Mini

Cost Energy Effectiveness : Although considered a permanent installation consideration was given to possibly moving the building to a new location in seven to ten years, so to do this cost effectively the design needed close attention to marriage line locations in regard to utility cross over and on site installed kitchen equipment. Gas fired furnace and kitchen equipment were utilized for cost effectiveness. Operable windows were located to take advantage of cool air movement from across the water.

Design Firm Name : CHA Architects

Occupied Date : 6/1/2007

Production Start Date : 8/15/2006

Project Location City : University Place

Project Location State Name : WA

Technical Innovation : Locations of kitchen equipment rough in’s in conjunction with module marriage line locations were critical in providing the most cost effective means of getting complete electrical, water, waste, and gas connection points completely finished in the factory. The same consideration was given to the mechanical room housing the large commercial gas fired water heater, and the restroom layout.

Total Square Feet : 4320

Architectural Excellence : The building design needed to fit the awesome site located high on a bluff overlooking an incredible view of the Puget Sound and newly constructed Scottish theme golf course located below the Clubhouse. The floor plan layout required dinning room exit doors to the outdoor patio seating, and easy flow to the Pro Shop passing central restrooms. A unique roof line fitting of the location was achieved by site installing pre-engineered roof trusses. To enhance the exterior and provide modulation in the face of the building three of the modules were placed perpendicular to the other three forming a tee. The Kitchen supply entry and HVAC equipment pads are well screened on the end of the building farthest from public entry areas and outdoor dinning.

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