Main Camp Expansion - 72 Person Camp
Additional Info
Award Winner : Kan-Bud
Cost Energy Effectiveness : The workforce housing facility at JV Inkai is a prime example of cost effective and energy efficient thinking. The most important criteria for the operation of the complex unit facility is 100% factory completion that includes all system testing and sign off. This is of high importance, taking into consideration the geographical location of the camp. An economical central heating system with a hot water boiler is connected to a mother base.
All mechanical, plumbing and electrical fixtures are chosen for their low volume and low energy use abilities. Essentially, the low volume and low energy fixtures limit and control the client need to reload on natural resources. The idea of a corridor made of panels was effected to decrease the transportation cost (over 8,000 km).
Occupied Date : 6/11/2011
Production Start Date : 3/3/2011
Project Location City : Kyzylorda
Total Square Feet : 11840
Architectural Excellence : The JV Inkai Project is a 72-person self-sustained accommodation camp with 28 modular units in wooden frame located near Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan. It constitutes an interconnection system to an already existing complex camp previously fabricated by Kan-Bud. The extension's two modern sleeping wings have been highly upgraded to meet the growing trend in permanent workforce housing by leading away from institutional type dormitories and heading towards more exclusive types of aesthetically-pleasing facilities. At the same time, it offers amenities equal to higher rated camps. What is considered a unique asset is that it is a self-sufficient camp consisting of furnished bedrooms, and fully-equipped bathrooms. This is accomplished by utilizing every possible ultramodern convenience that mimics a person’s home life. Last but not least, the aesthetically-colored units, including their luminous interior, provide a panoptic look with a sense of cleanliness and modernity.
Technical Innovation : The JV Inkai accommodation facility project is structurally, mechanically and electrically ahead of its time. The entire facility constitutes a wooden construction set on a concrete pile foundation, where steel lifting beams which are installed in each unit, are used for rapid set-up. All plumbing and electrical connections are located under the camp. The entire camp is equipped with emergency and fire alarm system. The technological innovation here refers to safety. Namely, a special E30 fire-resistant system consisting of fire-proof walls has been installed to separate the two wings. Moreover, the high quality sprinkler system has been adapted to the client’s need. The augmented 1,70m corridor space creating paneled interconnections, make the camp an innovative and cost effective venture. The facility is prepared as to be continuously extended and enhanced.