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West Creek Academy

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Additional Info

Award Winner : Silver Creek Industries

Cost Energy Effectiveness : Due to the complexity and scope of the project the ability to perform the work in a factory environment provided the opportunity for significant cost reductions and increased quality control measures. The development of a larger than typical restroom module allowed the toilet rooms and custodial spaces to leave the factory fully finished. The mechanical system design and routing allowed the fan coil and ductwork installation to be completed in the factory. The electrical distribution system was designed to utilize larger conductors and conduits to reduce the number of electrical connections made in the field. Larger than typical modules were utilized to reduce the shipping and installation costs. Where it was necessary to field install building components, those elements where designed as prefabricated assemblies whenever possible to reduce the labor and duration on site.

Design Firm Name : DLR Group

Installer Firm Name : Silver Creek Industries

Occupied Date : 11/30/2017

Owner Firm Name : Saugus Union School District

Production Start Date : 4/1/2017

Project Location City : Santa Clarita

Project Location State Name : California

Architectural Excellence : This project consists of a two-story structure which houses specialty program classrooms (flex labs, music rooms) for the campus and related functional spaces. The building includes 8 classrooms, 4 breakout rooms, 3 exterior stairways, a bridge, an elevator, and restroom spaces. The building exterior consists of plaster with stone accents to match the existing campus. All of the finish materials and the building form were selected and designed to create a cohesive addition to the campus. A site installed roof framing system was used to match the steep slope of the adjacent buildings which resulted in a total building height of 33’-6”. The building interior features abundant natural light in every educational space due to the extensive use of large glazing systems. The completed building represents a design focused experience which is seamlessly integrated into the existing campus.

Technical Innovation : The program developed with the client required the utilization of specialized module sizes to maximize the usable floor area and to fit within the site constraints. Additionally, the client required 10’-0” ceilings in the educational spaces while minimizing the floor-to-floor heights as the 2nd level of the new building was to connect to the existing campus by a bridge. To meet these requirements Silver Creek developed building frames consisting of a mixture of module sizes with concrete floor decks and 13’ floor to floor heights. The modules varied between 12’-0” and 14’-0” wide, and 24’-0” to 60’-0” long. The largest module on the project included a 22’-0” cantilever and measured 14’-0” x 70’-0”. Delivery of the modules to the project site required the preparation of unique shipping systems to accommodate the size and weight of the modules. With limited space, a VRF HVAC system was utilized with two central heat pump arrays and fan coils to provide zone level controls to each room.

Total Square Feet : 19439

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